Happy Holidays

I have a little hunch, just a little one, that many of you are being bombarded with holiday specials right now. I know I definitely am! And I have only purchased (aka voted on with my dollars) two holiday special type items so far…

  1. A pound of organic ceremonial grade matcha green tea from one of my favorite sites - Starwest Botanicals .

  2. A bottle of Nordic Naturals ProOmega2000 from my Anti-inflammatory Favorites section in my own Fullscript Dispensary.

If your current situation is anything like mine, money is tighter than usual - but I don’t despair because I know this is one of life’s ebbs. More than ever before, I have been spending my dollars with deep awareness and intention — not in a way that operates from a negative, scarcity mindset, but in a way that deeply aligns with my highest priorities.

This is why I have only purchased products during the holiday sales that support my health because my good health is my undisputed number one priority.

This may not be your number one priority and that’s 100% okay. We’re all different and have the freedom to choose our own priorities.

With this in mind, here is my call to action for you today, this week, this month ; whenever you feel the need:

Make a list of 5 of your top priorities with number one being your highest priority and number 5 being your lowest priority. Then post this list on your mirror or fridge where you can revisit if often. I invite you to recite this list to yourself daily, especially when you are making big decisions, including financial decisions.

happy holidays and conscious spending gut hormone health Chelsea Sanfilippo

Ask yourself the following:

Will this decision honor and support my highest priorities right now? Do I feel genuinely called to this? I encourage you to commit to trying this at least once and take note of what you notice and what this brings up for you, if anything at all.

Remember: This post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


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